Granada’s secondary glazing delivers maximum comfort with minimal heat loss for historic hotel
Sensitive restoration of this fine 1790s building in Scotland’s capital city has created Mode Aparthotel Edinburgh offering 82...

European PVC industry builds new 2030 sustainability programme atthe online VinylPlus Sustainabilit
VinylPlus®, the Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry, brought together over 180 participants from...

PVC4Pipes launches 2020 Training Package for PVC pipe industry
PVC4Pipes, the dedicated value chain platform for the European PVC pipe industry, has launched a refreshed online Training Package for...

Technical report highlights good fire performance of PVC
PVC used in windows and building products has proven performance benefits in the event of fire due to its inherent flame retardancy, that...

RecoMed PVC takeback scheme launches new website
RecoMed, the PVC takeback scheme for single-use medical devices, has launched its new website – www.recomed.co.uk – in response to rising...

Recofloor collects its 5,000th tonne of waste vinyl flooring
Recofloor has collected in total 5,000 tonnes of waste vinyl flooring since the national award-winning take back scheme was founded by...

Recovinyl: PVC recycling reaches a new high in UK and Ireland
The UK and Ireland collected and recycled a total of 143,428 tonnes of waste PVC across all PVC recycling formats in 2019. Within this...